Seminars for October 2021
Health Literacy Month
Bite size lunchtime seminars
Register in advance for the webinars:
5th October –
19th October –
26th October –
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Seminar 2
Community Health Champions: “Ah, it’s a health literacy project, isn’t it?” – Zi Khumalo, Community Health Champion Coordinator, Voluntary Action Stoke-on-Trent (VAST)
Dr Mike Oliver, Health Psychologist and Health Literacy UK Steering Group Member
Voluntary Action Stoke-on-Trent (VAST) is currently coordinating a Community Health Champions project. Initially, the project is focusing on promoting positive messages and dispelling myths around COVID testing and vaccinations to ensure everyone can make the right health decisions and protect themselves.
Over time the project will expand to ensure understandable, accurate and accessible health information is available to help residents make better choices for their long term health and wellbeing. The role of a Community Health Champion is all about talking with people, and most importantly, sharing good information on health-related matters. In this webinar, you will hear from Zi Khumalo and Mike Oliver how health literacy has been put at the heart of this project.